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Eugenics – Buttress of the Psychopathic Elite Mindset

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Eugenics – Buttress of the Psychopathic Elite Mindsetby Zen Gardner - Sep 4, 2015

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Eugenics – Buttress of the Psychopathic Elite Mindset Eugenics

Eugenics – Buttress of the Psychopathic Elite Mindset Print
by Zen Gardner
Let’s suppose the elitist scum working to ruin and control our lives and planet are in some fashion real people to some extent. I know, a stretch, but let’s try.  So how can they perpetrate such horrors on humanity? How could such madness be justified in the minds of men, however psychopathic?
Actually, it’s easy. For self promotion, preservation and Machiavellian power. They’ve convinced themselves that what they are perpetrating is the right thing to do.  And what’s their fundamental pseudo scientific tenet for mass murder?
Eugenics. Eliminating unwanted humanity for some “good” that they perceive is right.
Everything they think and believe is a fabricated bastardization and reversal of any real Truth, but in their minds they’ve decided this inhuman illuminist takeover makes sense. Especially with their fat cheeks being firmly ensconced in the seats of power.
Oh, the vestiges of their human conscience may give some of them a nudge in some cases, but it’s been shut down almost completely for almost all of them. It has to be. You can’t have empathy and wreak such death dealing havoc on nature and humanity otherwise.
If you’ve ever known or observed a pathological liar, this cauterized mindset is their way of life. Politicians do it without the slightest compunction. To them it’s part of the job description for ruling the unwashed masses. How is it justified logically? The old “necessary evil” ruse, the “greater good”, as in the justification for 9/11 and a myriad of other dystopian death dealing manipulative actions over the centuries.
The even more repulsive aspect is that they smugly revel in this ugliness, thinking they’re the “good guys”.
Misanthropic comes to mind.

Convincing the Cattle to Die – Eugenics Justifies All

Think about it. What a slam dunk for world domination to so twist perception to where humanity is the problem that needs to be curtailed by draconian controls while being systematically exterminated like a pest infestation.  Be it engineered wars, poverty and food shortages; drugging, corrupted food, and water; dumbed down information and media, or injecting toxins in our bodies, all is fair game to them.
Eugenics is the “tie that binds”, the glue that holds all the other lies conveniently together. And it takes the sting out of outright mass murder. For them. It’s a “cleansing” and “preparation” for their desired, sanitized world to come.
Just look at how Agenda 21 and other controls are perpetrated via things like climate change and CO2 fabrications. Sure, we’re in the throes of massive climate extremes for many reasons, many of them geoengineered, but to blame it on cattle flatulence and even human breathing must be some kind of macabre inside joke. Bottom line is they are planning a great “culling of the herd” and need our permission. We’ve read about it for decades in their elitist writings, and this is how they justify it and hope to convince us as much as possible of the same. That’s the alert.
And this upcoming UN “sustainability” conference is the capstone. This is why Obama is jumping through these Alaska “climate change” shenanigans, disgustingly promoted by mainstream media. It’s a lead in.
Remember, not waking up and saying no is ultimately humanity’s imprimatur that it agrees. That’s where empowerment comes in. We can say no and reverse all this, just as we’ve done in many instances. But the awakened shout out needs to be immediate and insistent.
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A Little Background

As eugenics, called the “self-direction of human evolution”, grew out of its inception in the 1800’s, it was considered the “harmonious result of all branches of science”. The US was the first to implement eugenics programs as early as 1908 and it gained a lot of popularity and traction. What stopped it in its tracks, at least in public opinion, was the Nazi implementation of eugenics during WW2 to the obvious horror of all, however it was clearly backed by American interests and exaggerated for Zionist propaganda usage.
This would later turn out to be an amazingly cunning pre-planned propaganda tool as we’ll discuss below.
But now look how this eugenics campaign has been revived and is currently perpetrated. With innocuous sounding names like Planned Parenthood to the UN’s dastardly Agenda 21, the mass hive mind sees these measures as “progress” while knowing little to nothing about the extensive anti-human, never mind anti-freedom, measures being foisted upon them.
And it’s not just genetic culling, it’s mass population reduction.
An elitist think tank called The Club of Rome helped set the stage for this last push to demonize humanity with the contrived invention of militant, invasive environmentalism. This appeared around the same time as the widely sensationalized “population bomb” concept. While real ecology and conscious conservationism make common sense, this environmental agenda was created with the specific intention to foist massive controls over human activities. That we’re now at the incredulous point of having to pay a literal carbon tax is a total giveaway as to their fraudulent intentions.
Yet few catch on.
And again, like the lie of human caused global warming, they foist such nonsense with the intent that we should feel guilty for being alive, to such an extent that even our breath is supposedly killing the planet.
Insane. Yet they keep pushing their agenda regardless of real scientific data to the contrary.
Eugenics – Buttress of the Psychopathic Elite Mindset Bill-Gates-Vaccines2-e1411238437693
Bill Gates – Eugenecist

The Cauterized Mind of Dystopians

While humanity doesn’t share the bestial mindset of the elites and their occult driven agenda, these pounding programs wear on people. Over time the continued onslaught of these nonsensical anti-truths start to wear a groove in the mass mind.
The psycho-trauma tool of choice? Cognitive dissonance.
Resistance subsides as seemingly contrary understandings–in this case, “I’m a sovereign human being who deserves life and freedom” vs. “I’m a parasitic organism killing my host planet and need to be eradicated”.  Screwy, but that’s what it boils down to.
And what gets synthesized in the mind to reconcile the two? “I guess they know what they’re doing. Gee, we are bad and something needs to be done.” It doesn’t really make sense so the overload causes a shutdown and back to the TV and ball game they go, acquiescing, and approving the agenda, by purely willing ignorant apathy.
Once again, the intended solution being foisted on society gains traction.
And those daring to oppose this new status quo? Resistance and criticism has now been cleverly engineered to be tantamount to terrorism, the ultimate behavioral catch-all.
Game. Set. Match…or so they think.
Eugenics – Buttress of the Psychopathic Elite Mindset Stealing-of-palestinian-land-by-israel-with-the-help-of-the-west

Zio-Kabbalism  – An Identifiable Eugenically Based Virus Form

While the arrogant, intellectual roots of modern eugenics seem to escape mainstream consciousness, obvious forms of racism and genocidal extermination, as exposed in the repeated Gaza genocides, have been much more evident. That the two are intrinsically connected takes one to the much deeper understanding of what’s really going on on this planet – the elimination of more conscious and rooted indigenous forms of humanity and the subjugation of the remaining human race and its ultimate manipulation into a non-questioning subservient form actually loving its enslavement.
Yes, just like the predictive programming evidenced in literature and film making for centuries.
The Zionist mindset with its Kabbalistic occult sense of supremacism is a clear example of justified extermination of “lesser” beings. An incredible “in your face” example that the world turns a blind eye to. Instead, they fall for the big lie created by the engineered German holocaust that the perpetrators of this current extermination of their “inferiors” as manifested in the millions of killed and displaced Palestinians, is somehow because the killers are the potential victims.
That’s how they work. Manipulate history and pound the manipulated message home via propaganda. It’s that simple – as long as you have a complicit media and engorging codependent governments. Behold the birth of the Zionist parasite called Israel. A perfect example of the sick fruits of eugenically driven, ravenous psychotic behavior.
When people wake up to that mechanism blood will run hot and heavy and they’ll get their due. They always have and always will.
Evil dies from its own corrupted aberration.  As in the human body, the protective immune system of the Universe will eventually disable and recycle these invaders.
Eugenics – Buttress of the Psychopathic Elite Mindset 01gleaqaci

The Interdimensional Connection

In a Universe of boundless life and energy we know entities of all types exist, which even so-called modern scientists affirm. Dimensions abound beyond ours, here and now interacting with our world. One look at the real intentions of CERN and you’ll see where so-called science meets the occult.
This reality must play heavily into our personal understanding of our interdimensional cosmos. We’re a world under siege, and we need to know our enemies as well as our friends.  That such forces of darkness can mount such a profoundly coordinated attack on a planet of mainly meek, loving inhabitants reeks of opportunity for an aggressive force. I don’t know exactly what’s going on but I hope this helps present the case for what we’re potentially up against.
Inter-dimensional war, manifesting in a very real way.
I would be remiss without pointing out these otherworldly influences on our three dimensional experience. There is much more than meets the physical eye as we well know. People are driven by many influences, and spiritual ones are the most profound. Religions dutifully categorize such concepts as good and bad influences under their clever hierarchical frameworks, while metaphysics dissects these various aspects with intrigue. Psychic, transcendental and near death testimonies also abound to affirm these phenomena.
So please don’t tell me there’s nothing more than this observable world.
Eugenics – Buttress of the Psychopathic Elite Mindset Loveunitydance01

The Antidote – Disengage and Live in Truth and Love

Never give in mentally or spiritually to this onslaught. While we need to stay active in exposing their perfidy, we cannot be part of their ensnaring mindset.
That’s why turning off all forms of mainstream media is so important. That’s also why immersion in positive influences, nature, and loving people in order to counter these types of realities is imperative.
Anyone in their right mind knows this kind of plan cannot succeed in the long run. We happen to be at a time in history where these negative, barbaric influences are peaking at a similar rate to the hyperbolic acceleration of hijacked technologies.
This too shall pass. But we should be vigilant and prepare as best we can, without fear. It’s a time to grow in consciousness and communication with each other so we can share our combined knowledge, insights and loving support as we counter this barrage with true information.
We should also prepare for whatever these insane entities may unleash at any given time.
But never fear. The fact that we know what’s going on tells the tale – we are alive, while they are dead and dying in their furious vain attempts to dominate nature.
Therein is life, one day at a time. As it always is.
Be well, be happy, and keep the Truth flowing!
Much love, Zen

Thanks to Zen at: http://www.zengardner.com

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