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"Special Notice" by Zap @ HUMANUS from "The Office of Poofness"

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"Special Notice" by Zap @ HUMANUS from "The Office of Poofness" Jerzy511

"Special Notice" by Zap @ HUMANUS from "The Office of Poofness"
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 3-Jun-2017 00:53:46

"Special Notice" by Zap @ HUMANUS from "The Office of Poofness"

"The Office of Poofness"


Zap Says

Dear Humanity and Project Proponents,

Humanus has been advised to go to a total blackout mode for an unspecified period of time. This has to do with the financial and political forces at work at this time, and as Humanus is a recipient of some funds for the Reconstruction Projects, we have also been asked to observe this blackout with the other sister organizations under the same directive.

Humanus will keep working in the background, and when the blackout is lifted, we shall contact the Project proponents and give further instructions. All communications with Humanus will be monitored for compliance.

We thank you for your interest in providing Projects for our Humanity, and we will do our best to provide our services to these Projects in a timely manner.

Love and Light

Humanus Administration

Kindest regards

On behalf of and for


Jerzy Babkowski





"Special Notice" by Zap @ HUMANUS from "The Office of Poofness" Fraud-alert-sign


Thank you for your support as we do our best to keep you up to date. We couldn't do this Without Your Help.!!! Please go to Paypal.com using the account address: goneforthfornow@gmail.com to support the cause. Please remember to click friends and family when sending. If you are not a member of paypal and sending a donation please send an e-mail to goneforthfornow@gmail.com so we can log you in and send you a Thank You. We appreciate all the help you continue to provide in keeping food on people's tables, medical needs met, computers running and shelter .

With Much Gratitude and Appreciation, Susan

Love and Kisses,

"The Office of Poofness"

ZAP, Susan and Staff

Thanks to: http://www.rumormillnews.com



"Special Notice" by Zap @ HUMANUS from "The Office of Poofness" Giphy

Let's see if this stops his incessant internet panhandling and lies to dupe the gullible believers and indeed goes into blackout mode! That would be great!

"Special Notice" by Zap @ HUMANUS from "The Office of Poofness" Giphy

Oh the suspense! Will Jerzy be homeless? Will he fool enough of the dumb bunnies and get enough donations to make another ketchup sandwich?

"Special Notice" by Zap @ HUMANUS from "The Office of Poofness" BqIexcb

"Special Notice" by Zap @ HUMANUS from "The Office of Poofness" Giphy

Last edited by PurpleSkyz on Sat Jun 03, 2017 9:21 am; edited 1 time in total


I just sent this to the ghoul:

Hey zappy ghoul I got an idea for you to scam some more money. Why not team up with kathy griffin? I hear she's worth $20million and looks like she'll have  a lot of free time on her hands as she is rightfully being shit canned from a few places. Hey maybe she can hook you up with some primo ketchup for your sandwiches and maybe even a new pair of shoes. You are very similar people. Neither of you has a conscience, little or no talent and very good at playing the victim card. 


WOW!!!! this is really something.!!!....If you folks read some of my earlier post on O - O- M you will understand my anger and fury of people who were naive and stupid to submit any Project, business plans to those trained professional scammers from landa china global - that is jerzy babkowski/zap, will barney and doug johns. 

You can congratulate yourself for giving away your precious Intellectual Properties for free and what they do is what have said and warned many times: once they get the chance they will cash in on those projects, brain wash you and disappear under the umbrella of some serious reasons and this time is a "total blackout" bullshit. 

You will never receive any funding EVER!!!!... instead your own projects according to their needs and, application and selection will be implemented and none of you will never realize or notice. So my congrats for STUPIDITY!!!. 
Now babbkowski/zap mother is "skyping" his beloved son informing that she will be dying next weekend or maybe next wees or so..... but that is not such a big problem-issue as his quiet eviction from his apartment is a major reason you should immediately rush to your Pay Pal and send this ruthless mother f...r more stupid naive morons.... who ever have done that or will can be categorized as above with out insulting any one..... Good heart has nothing to do with stupid head as cleaver people should have known well to whom donate and how to verify any legit charitable organization or foundation instead of sending money to such criminals, sociopaths with no ethical-moral imitations and thief's like babkowski/zap and his landa associates..

Again my congrats to all those naive moron victims mentioned in my posts and wish you nothing but luck and prosperity. I will give you one more peace of advise: report jerzy babkowski AKA ZAP to the UNESCO, UN and Nobel Price Comity in Norway as a candidate for Nobel price as greater selfless Samaritan the Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Dali Lama. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.


His failure is being blamed on: "This is having to do with financial and political forces at work at this time..."
He called the former president an "orangatan" and said once tRump was in office ( w/Conservative majorities in the house and senate!) the "RV" would commence.
Right-wing beggars are my most favorite hypocrites! Go beg tRump for $.

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