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Fraudsters Target Seniors by Mark Alexander P.C.

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Fraudsters Target Seniors by Mark Alexander P.C. Logo
Over the past 12 years my law firm has represented more than 130 people across the U.S. who have been defrauded of their hard-earned money by unscrupulous oil and gas companies.During that time we have obtained substantial judgments and settlements for clients. Importantly as a result of those judgments and settlements my firm has worked to collect money for our clients.Some of my firm’s clients have been doctors, lawyers, bankers, accountants and retired NFL players. We want to help.

Fraudsters Target Seniors
Over the years we have represented over 135 individuals from all over the U.S. who have victims of different types of investment scams. Most of the scams involve oil and gas projects. The majority of our clients have been senior citizens. 
For those who have read the articles posted on our web-site you will recognize the “red flags” to hopefully avoid being a victim of a scam. 
In addition to our articles we encourage people to review our prior post and the FBI’s webpage which provides tips on how you can protect yourself and your family from fraud in the investment arena. We suggest that senior citizens especially should be aware of fraud schemes for the following reasons: 

  • Usually senior citizens have accumulated money, have good credit and own their home. We have recognized that these citizens are the “targets” of these fraudulent companies. 
  • Fraudsters know their con. They know that senior citizens can be easily trusting. The fraudsters pounce. 
  • Also, over the years we have come to know that seniors are less likely to report a fraud because they don’t know who to report it to, are too ashamed to admit they have been scammed, or don’t know they have been scammed. 
  • When a senior investor contacts the company, they invested in asking why they have not received any return from their investment, many times the fraudulent company provides standard excuses. For example, blaming some other person for a delay, with the goal being that the senior investor will wait too long to sue. This is a typical “red flag” that this is a fraudulent investment.   

It can be difficult to determine if an investment opportunity is a scam. Therefore, we suggest that it is prudent to speak with an experienced attorney in this area of the law. Afterall a well-informed decision can prevent becoming a victim of an oil and gas or other investment scam.

We are here to help.

Mark Alexander
Mark A. Alexander, P.C.
Phone:  972-544-6968
Email:   mark@markalexanderlaw.com
Website:  www.oilandgasfraudlawyer.com

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