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Benjamin Fulford 7-22-14… “Bush Jr., Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior nazionists to be arrested soon”

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Benjamin Fulford 7-22-14… “Bush Jr., Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior nazionists to be arrested soon”
Posted on 2014/07/21 by kauilapele
Benjamin Fulford 7-22-14… “Bush Jr., Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior nazionists to be arrested soon” Benjamin_fulford_smile_smirk72[Kp note: I was preparing the outline for the post of Ben's latest yesterday and accidentally hit the "Publish" button. That's why some of you would have received a "blank" Ben message either by email or FB message or Tweet. My mistake.]
The highlights from this post from Ben are below. The one paragraph he has repeated 3 times. I’m leaving it in, as perhaps it’s a (hidden) message. But presuming his report is on the money, we can expect some exciting events in the very near future.
“The downing of remote controlled Israeli owned so-called “Malaysian Airlines flight MH17,” filled with dead and decomposing bodies, was one dirty trick too many for the nazionists and a turning point against them has now been reached within the world’s secret agencies and governments, according to multiple sources.
“What we first saw in Syria were are now seeing in the Ukraine; a failed attempt to use a manufactured incident to start a war… We can see this in the nazionist controlled corporate propaganda media “attack Russia” PR campaign…
Bush Jr., Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior nazionists to be arrested soon
The arrest of nazionist mass murderers like George Bush Jr. and Benjamin Netanyahu and their fellow cabalists is imminent, according to Mossad and other sources. These criminals and their fellow top cabalists have already been banned from traveling to over 180 countries and soon will be banned from traveling outside of their jail cells, the sources said.
The downing of remote controlled Israeli owned so-called “Malaysian Airlines flight MH17,” filled with dead and decomposing bodies, was one dirty trick too many for the nazionists and a turning point against them has now been reached within the world’s secret agencies and governments, according to multiple sources.
What we first saw in Syria were are now seeing in the Ukraine; a failed attempt to use a manufactured incident to start a war. The nazionists created “Sarin gas attacks on civilians” in Syria and now “dead HIV scientists” in the Ukraine and used it to try to fool the US military into attacking. Only this time in the Ukraine, even more so than was the case with Syria, nobody is taking the bait.
We can see this in the nazionist controlled corporate propaganda media “attack Russia” PR campaign. For example, UK nazionist puppet Prime Minister David Cameron has asked German PM Angela Merkel and French President Francois to press for more sanctions against Russia’s Vladimir Putin but this is just a PR stunt according to MI5 sources. Cameron had to do that because he was being blackmailed by a nazionist media baron with threats to publicize
We can see this in the nazionist controlled corporate propaganda media “attack Russia” PR campaign. For example, UK nazionist puppet Prime Minister David Cameron has asked German PM Angela Merkel and French President Francois to press for more sanctions against Russia’s Vladimir Putin but this is just a PR stunt according to MI5 sources. Cameron had to do that because he was being blackmailed by a nazionist media baron with threats to publicize
We can see this in the nazionist controlled corporate propaganda media “attack Russia” PR campaign. For example, UK nazionist puppet Prime Minister David Cameron has asked German PM Angela Merkel and French President Francois to press for more sanctions against Russia’s Vladimir Putin but this is just a PR stunt according to MI5 sources. Cameron had to do that because he was being blackmailed by a nazionist media baron with threats to publicize…

Thanks to KP at: http://kauilapele.wordpress.com



It appears the only people who take cameron seriously here are the fellow dysfunctionals in Parliament and the loyal sheep who would vote for a dog t**d if it had a tory rosette on it.

Our three big political parties tory, labour, and liberal are nothing of the kind and haven't been for decades, they were hijacked by EU Marxists as their actions prove. The EU bungling in Ukraine, the land grab, and now the demonisation of Russia are backfiring in spectacular fashion..I would like to say no one believes the mind vomit of cameron, blair and co but we are not quite there yet, we are getting there though

The EU has played socialist Empire building to excess, the difference between the EU and any Imperial power is a simple one, the EU is artificial and like any good socialists they soon run out of other peoples money, neither do they have an Imperial military.

When this collapses it will be great to see, the rumours are France and Germany are so disgusted over Ukraine dirty tricks they now want to join the BRICS....if thats true it's significant and terminal for the bad guys, we will have to wait for next year to hoof cameron out assuming he hasnt hoofed himself out by then and UKIP to have some influence

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