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Dave Schmidt's July 27th Video Update Transcribed by Spydr

7/27/2016 08:29:00 PM  Emailed, Intel, Sedona, Update  
Entry Submitted by Spydr at 9:13 PM ET on July 27, 2016

Dave Schmidt: july 27th, More Updates, Reports Indicate Funda Are Moving


Last week I had talked about the meetings that I had with the representatives of the Dragon Family in Hong Kong. I talked about their history of understanding the Global Collateral Accounts, the purpose of those funds, and how it has always been to help bring parity and commonality to the economy all around the world.

It was designed so that even what we would call the lesser countries, the old term of third-world countries, countries predominantly in Asia and in Africa, that they would be on par with the western countries in Europe, and with the United States. That was always its intention and design.

In 1948 they had what was called the Bretton Woods Agreement. That was to bring in parity. That was where they started the IMF, the BIS, the World Bank, and the UN. All those were to be tools to bring this parity. Well, we know the history. The cabal stepped in, took control, and basically kept it to themselves.

Round two of that was with President Kennedy and President Sukarno of Indonesia. President Sukarno was the M1. He was the monetary person of these Family accounts, these large sums of money collateralised by gold beyond our comprehension. Well, we know the result of that, President Kennedy was assassinated, and within a year the CIA had led a coup in Indonesia that overthrew President Sukarno.

So here we are again for round three in the year 2016. But this time, the Families are choosing to use what are called non-government organizations and entities. They basically know that most of the governments are corrupt and they can't trust the sources that they come through. And they also know that the cabal is able to control these government entities and organizations.

So funds are going to be released to organizations and individuals and corporations and some sovereign entities that are capable and accustomed to moving large sums of money. The money first and foremost has one purpose: humanitarian projects. To spread the money around the world, to basically stabilize the world economy, so that if there is an economic crash, it will be a soft crash and not a hard crash.

The money is also used to allow what is called asset-backed money to start moving around the world, to create jobs and to stabilize situations, so that we would see the ending of the wars taking place.

Well, that has always been the original intention. In their original intention, it was not their intention to use everyday moms and pops. But along the way, they were convinced it would be ok to start testing these systems... I have been allowed to be one of those groups, to invite people in to be a part of the private project fundings, I should say, the private exchange fundings.

I've been talking about these private exchanges for almost a year. I've had to be very quiet, I've had to be very coy. And I had to wait until they allowed me to open things up. Now there are many of you that have attended my workshops where I could talk about it verbally, that I have been adding to a database list. Well, last week, if you listen to the radio program, I said: you could be added to that list.

And this week, I'm getting to add another step to that. Right now, all it is is a database list. It is nothing more, But these are the people that are being placed on a list that will be able to participate in these private exchanges when they are ready to proceed.

I am not going to put this in writing. I can't just open it up, because if I put it in writing, if I put it in my newsletter, it gets broadcast all over the place, and I literally would have thousands and thousands of people coming in just within a few days or within a week. But I can tell it to you on a step-by-step basis. So here's the news.

There's a new website that I have: thesedonaconnectionfoundation.com . I will release it here in the video and I will include it in the radio program but I'm not going to put it in print. Go to that website, In the right-hand column. you're going to see 'Humanitarian Project Sign-Up Form'. Click on that, All you're doing is giving your name, your email and your phone number. That list is confidential. It is a list that I keep to myself. I do not use it for any other purpose other than what it is designated for and I will never release that to anybody.

If you want to participate in these private exhanges, then go there, And you can have family and friends go as well, and there is not a limit anymore to the number of family and friends that can be added to that list.

Now why is this happening? Well, in the communication that I've had with two very high sources that are releasing these funds, they basically said, myself and a couple of others that are being allowed to bring these people in. It says: you have shown yourself over a period of time, that the people that you are basically participating with are what we would call 'highly conscious people'. These are people who want to help shift and change this world, for the most part. These are people who are realizing that it's humanitarian aid first, and they get to be disbursements of these funds, but they get to be rewarded very handsomely in the process as well.

It's about disbursing the money. That's what it's about. It's about spreading it to all around the world, and creating jobs and fixing the economy, and fixing this planet. And in the process, you can be very handsomely rewarded.

The currencies, they're just the vehicles of exchange. That's all that they are, so that they can operate in a legal fashion, to carry it out in a legal manner, in private contracts. Now you're going to have paperwork that you will need to fill out. You're going to have an NDA that you will need to sign. But none of that is happening now, there's nothing that you need to do until it is time to proceed. We will then send out to the list the process for proceeding.

This week on the radio program I'm going to talk more about why we are getting to do that, and why it is a step-by-step process.

Now you've heard me be kind of critical about the fact that there isn't going to be any #800s and you're not going to be able to walk into the bank and just walk out a multimillionaire. I still absolutely believe that. But folks, there is a possibility, there is a potential, for some period of time down the road, that those who have not participated in the private exchanges will be able to exchange their currencies. But i can tell you one thing: the rates aren't going to be anywhere close to the private exchanges, and they are not going to be what you read about on the blog sites. That's another whole story and I'm not going to go into that this week.

But right now I do get to say, it's time for us to come together, to be able to put ourselves on this list and to start preparing ourselves for movement of funds. The word is, funds are moving. On the radio program last week, I said there's somewhere between ten and twelve steps that it takes for it to go through from when it is released from the Family sources in Asia by the time it will get down to us.

And this is not just a simple bang-bang-bang-bang-bang operation. Sometimes it can take weeks to go through all of those steps.

But I have had confirmation, again talking with Family representatives on the phone: funds are moving. They are moving. The process is taking place. Even this morning I received an email that there is a potential, in fact, that one person for project funding has already received their funds.

Listen in on the radio program. Bring your questions. If you are not able to call in, send me an email and I'll take care of your questions on the program.


Thanks to: http://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com

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