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Blood Pressure & Essential Oils

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1Blood Pressure & Essential Oils Empty Blood Pressure & Essential Oils Mon Dec 11, 2017 10:48 pm



Blood Pressure & Essential Oils Essential-oils-pic
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) happens when the pressure on the arteries and blood vessels becomes too high and the arterial wall becomes distorted causing extra stress on the heart.  Long term-high blood pressure increases the risk of stroke, heart attack and diabetes. Most Americans don’t even realize they have high blood pressure until serious problems arise.
Results of high blood pressure include:

  • Arterial damage

  • Aneurysm

  • Heart failure

  • Blocked or ruptured blood vessels

  • Reduced kidney function

  • Vision loss

  • Loss of cognitive function: concentration, memory and ability to learn

  • Metabolic syndrome: a cluster of metabolic disorders such as high cholesterol and insulin, atherosclerosis and increased waist size

Frequently, there are no symptoms as blood pressure increases, but warning signs for very high blood pressure can include chest pains, confusion, headaches, ear noise or buzzing, irregular heartbeat, nosebleeds, tiredness or vision changes.
Causes of high blood pressure include:

  • A high-salt diet

  • Emotional stress

  • Alcohol

  • Caffeine

  • Smoking

  • Obesity

  • Inactivity

  • Birth control pills

  • Heavy-metal poisoning

The above information is from here and there is a tonne of information about Hypertension there but I want to talk to you about how Essential Oils can help you normalise your blood pressure while maintaining an organic and natural way of healing.
One way to help normalise blood pressure is to cleanse the liver and colon for better circulation. Cleansing the colon will help rid the body of wastes and toxins that could be clogging the normal process of digestion. Cleansing and digestion are critical to normal body function.
With the risks and side effects of prescription medications, many people are turning to natural remedies and preventative treatments for high blood pressure.
While a lot of success has been found in the use of supplements such as magnesium, CoQ10, potassium, and fish oil, the benefits of these supplements can be increased when used with essential oils. Here are some of the best essential oils to use for high blood pressure.

How can essential oils can help with high blood pressure?

Firstly, keep in mind how essential oils enter our bodies. When rubbed into the skin, they enter the blood stream through follicle cells or the sweat glands. However, they also gain entry through inhalation. In this case tiny molecules of oil are absorbed into the bloodstream as the lungs oxygenate the blood.
Once they’ve entered the bloodstream, essential oils can gradually dilate constricted arteries which normally makes the heart work harder to pump blood.
Many essential oils also act as antioxidants to reduce oxidative stress, resulting in lower blood pressure. And some essential oils efficiently decrease emotional stress that could lead to high blood pressure.

Bergamot Essential Oil

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Bergamot essential oil is typically used in cosmetics, due to its crisp and refreshing smell. However, studies have recently shown that this powerful essential oil has several medicinal benefits as well.
For example, studies have revealed that bergamot essential oil reduces high blood pressure when it is diffused and inhaled for 15-60 minutes. This means that those who use bergamot essential oil for aromatherapy typically show a significant reduction not only in their blood pressure but also their heart rate.
Bergamot essential oil is also known to improve one’s mood. Studies performed in a high-stress environment found that those who inhaled bergamot essential oil had a reduction in their anxiety level as well as an improved mood.
When bergamot essential oil is inhaled, neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin are released, creating a feeling of well-being. An aromatherapy session with bergamot essential oil can help lower blood pressure, as well as reduce the impulse to reach for comfort foods, due to the increase of dopamine in the brain.

Clary Sage Essential Oil

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Clary sage essential oil has been shown to reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as significantly reduce respiratory rates of those who use it during aromatherapy. Clary sage is a good essential oil to use in situations where patients do not necessarily need to feel relaxed, but simply must have their blood pressure lowered.
Clary sage essential oil decreases stress and symptoms of depression as well. Studies have shown that clary sage essential oil not only reduces stress but also create an anti-depressant like effect. As many people who suffer from depression abuse alcohol, which is a risk factor for high blood pressure, Clary sage essential oil may be able to combat high blood pressure in multiple ways.
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Ocotea Oil

Ocotea essential oil is not the most widely known oil for natural health, but it is highly effective and versatile in its uses. Derived from the leaves and branches of a genus of trees that is native to Ecuador, also called Ocotea, there are over 200 species of this tree, most of which have similar chemical compositions. Although species vary between trees and shrubs, all of them are praised for their potential health benefits. In fact, this genus of the tree is related to the cinnamon plant and contains trace amounts of cinnamaldehyde, a powerful antioxidant.  The most important active ingredients in ocotea essential oil are alpha-humulene and beta-caryophyllene, as well as camphor and safrole, which provide the majority of the health benefits outlined below.

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Rosemary Oil

One of the best stress-relieving essential oils is rosemary oil, so it is also highly effective for high blood pressure. Many people’s hypertensive issues are almost solely due to a stressful lifestyle and an inability to control stress hormones. Rosemary oil can soothe that inflammation, clear your mind and lessen the strain on your heart.
How to Use – This oil is quite powerful, so there is no need to diffuse it all day long, but a few hours of diffusing this oil each morning can provide your body with a neutral base for the day, helping to keep your blood pressure down.

[size=32]Lavender Essential Oil[/size]

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Lavender essential oil is one of the most well known essential oils available. Among other health benefits, reducing high blood pressure is on the top of its list. Lavender oil is a general healer that comes with a wide variety of therapeutic uses. It is often used to induce sleep by reducing tension and stress. It also contains analgesic actions that make it beneficial to cure headaches as well.
In a recent study, the impulses of patients’ brains were measured before and after inhaling lavender essential oil with an EEG machine. The study revealed that lavender essential oil has several health benefits, such as reducing heart rate and blood pressure and increasing the amount of relaxation waves in the brain. Patients who inhale lavender essential oil report that they feel more alert, relaxed, and refreshed after doing so.

[size=32]Ylang Ylang Essential Oil[/size]

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The smooth scent of ylang ylang essential oil easily releases daily stress. Studies actually show that it is not only the scent of ylang ylang, but its blend in an essential oil that creates the most benefits for decreasing blood pressure rates and stress.
Studies have also combined ylang ylang essential oil and bergamot essential oil, providing an impressive result of the inhalation of these essential oils together not only reduces blood pressure but cortisol levels as well. The use of these essential oils is an effective nursing intervention for those suffering from hypertension.

Frankincense Essential Oil

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Frankincense is a powerful essential oil that has a calming effect on the body. This not only reduces stress levels but also regulates the heart. While the body may require an increased dose of prescriptions over time for high blood pressure, frankincense is a tonic substance, meaning that its benefits increase over time while still using the same amount.
Frankincense has long been used to reduce stress levels and promote mental clarity. It has been used in ancient Egyptian ceremonies to promote peace of mind and stillness.

[size=32]Jasmine Essential Oil[/size]

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Jasmine essential oil has an uplifting and almost euphoric quality to it that is able to calm nerves, boost confidence, and create optimism. With these emotional balancing qualities, breathing is improved, depression is lifted, and nervous anxiety may be alleviated. These effects ease a tense nervous system, which is a common cause of high blood pressure.
The most effective way to use essential oils is to diffuse them using an Essential Oil Diffuser. A diffuser releases the oils into the air in their purest and undiluted form providing you with maximum therapeutic benefits.
Using lavender essential oils in aromatherapy helps to balance the emotions and soothe the body, ultimately bringing balance to the nervous system. Exposure to the scent of this essential oil triggers positive mental energy to soothe stressed behaviors, ultimately lowering high blood pressure.
Inhaling the aromas of sweet marjoram and ylang ylang essential oils helps to relieve lethargy, nervous exhaustion and can be used to uplift the body by calming overthinking and inducing relaxation. While sweet marjoram is good for these things, ylang ylang essential oil is also a helpful sleep aid.
You can also blend essential oils! For high blood pressure, it’s especially recommended to mix 1 drop of lavender, 1 drop of ylang ylang, and 1 drop of bergamot; conversely, you can also mix 1 drop of lavender, frankincense, and sweet marjoram for an equal effect.
Essential oils may also be used in salves to rub over certain areas of the body, such as the heart, between the fingers, and on the soles of the feet. This can be done by mixing your essential oils into a carrier oil, such as olive or coconut oil, simmering the mixture in boiling water until the contents dissolve, and letting it cool.
Information gathered from these sites;


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