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The Thomas Crown Blog - The Sphere Being Alliances’ dirty, cosmic secret. Animated-Border-BrownSparks

The Thomas Crown Blog - The Sphere Being Alliances’ dirty, cosmic secret. AGF-l7-Tp1QGITcL7MLDd62JZLbX39k_OAKDvyksgg=s288-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo

You Tube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn8vatNOAYKHzuGJuveJTUg

The Thomas Crown Blog - The Sphere Being Alliances’ dirty, cosmic secret.

One year ago, a mysterious figure only known as Thomas Crown - appeared, on a Wordpress Blog. This person claimed to have insider knowledge regarding Gaia Tv executives and their harassment and blacklisting of the cult leader Corey Goode. They even had doxed critics of the SBA, providing their place of business and their legal name. One such person being a psychologist for terminal cancer patients. They attempted to start a protest outside of the cancer hospital, as well as at conventions and venues within the spiritual community. Many people had a hunch the author of this blog was someone within the Sphere Being Alliance. Besides the fact they only painted Corey Goode in a positive light, they had information that could only come from Goode himself. Eventually, an insider from the group came forward with proof that Joy Jackson, Rob Vannoy and others were in fact doxing critics of Corey Goode and making memes discrediting those who have been skeptical of Corey Goodes story. There was a secret Facebook group which were conspiring and leading the campaign to defend Corey Goode and spread lies about his critics and former employer and coworkers at Gaia Tv. Although there have been some who have dismissed the screenshots the insider came forward with, there is still plenty of proof to point to Joy Jackson being the author of the Thomas Crown/Fade to Light blog. Join me, Miss Luma Knaughty, as I set the record straight. I go over some already known info; such as the content of the screenshots, the audio recordings and other details known throughout the community. But... I then decided to go back through the fade to light blog and see if there were any other details that were missed to prove joy Jackson was the author - without using the screenshots. And boy oh boy. Did I hit the jackpot. Did you know Kirkland Washington is only a 15 minute drive from Bellevue Washington? Why does this matter? Oh. It matters. It matters a lot. :purple_heart::bat::purple_heart::bat::purple_heart::bat::purple_heart: Twitter: StinaMariaXo :purple_heart::bat::purple_heart::bat::purple_heart::bat::purple_heart:


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