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IRAQI dinar revalue News CBI Currency Change 2013

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This was emailed to me this weekend. Though it is from last October 2012, I think it is interesting and thought some here might like to see this.

Thanks to Jamie for the forward.



Hmmm very interesting!! So this was last year? They clearly state they are going to drop 3 zeros, that's not good is it?



Dropping the zeros means it will make it easier for the Iraqis to buy things,if they didn't, they would need a wheelbarrowload of dinar just for a loaf of bread with a big note{25,000 dinar}- This way, they would not need as much whenever the rate of the dinar is increased- The 'removal'of the zeros', does not apply to us, however, for example, if you have a 25,000 Iraqi dinar note, Rving at, say $3.00, that 25,000 note will still be worth 75,000 dollars, see what I'm getting at? To 'drop' the 3 zero notes, means to 'take them off the streets' of Iraq, until the Banks over there have gotten them all rounded up-In the several years to come, the only large notes left will be used for Government, or 'Country' purchases-That's what the large notes will be used for over there-The 'BIG' notes we hold upon exchange will go back to our treasury, and then eventually back to Iraq, OR used for oil credits over there, which ever our government decides to do with them- ok wink :cheers: :D : thumbs up:



Ohhhhhhhhh ok I finally get it!!! Thanks for that terbs!!




I am not a guru, and do not want to be labeled as such- I just want you people to know that I am privy to information from very trusted people in the investment world, and am letting you all know what I am being informed of at this time- It is a very good thing, I can assure you- just hang tite and don't let go of your dreams- Things are happening now, and will continue to do so- Remember that Shabibi had mentioned the change in power of the Iraqi dinar, and is supposed to be the 'STRONGEST' currency in the world- And it was to happen in 2013- Keep that in mind-Go back in the archives and see, back around April-May, 2012-And you will see what I am talking about-I truly believe the Dinar will give the U.S. dollar a big run for it's money- I have no doubts about that whatsoever! : thumbs up:



terbs do you think we will see the bigger rates like $7?



It is a 'Possible' scenario, although a start at a dollar or two, and then work it's way up to that, it may take some time, but it IS a possibility, and I am inclined to stay at that point for now, as things are still a bit unsettled but I believe we have a great chance of seeing a good rate to start out with, if you can, wait until the rate goes up, and then cash in more as you see fit or as you need to-Just make sure to get your best exchange rate you can get, and make sure you have an honest tax advisor or accountant, as it is better to be safe, than sorry- You all came too damn far to lose this by not paying attention to the little details!! That is what my plan is- Exchange a small note or two to level out the bills and monthly expenses, get my wife a new vehicle of her choice, god knows she deserves it and needs it, and just sit back and see how high it will go-We should have two years from the point of RV to do this, but don't wait too long, as if it drops fast and it has happened, you'll kick yourself in the ass, and you don't want that to happen- If by chance it goes $7-8.00, or higher, I am all in, and I am done and will diversify into Silver,possibly an oil future or two, maybe a bit of Gold, Platinum, or Palladium, it is higher priced than gold right now, and will be an asset later on down the road, because then, I can basically name my own price down the road, see what I'm saying?- It is something for all to think about- Let your investments work for you, just don't let them run away with you- Use your head, invest wisely, and you should have no trouble, and if this is done right, you will be set for life!! :penquin002:

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