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1Awaken Your Voices… Empty Awaken Your Voices… Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:08 am



[size=21.021020889282227]Awaken Your Voices…[/size]
[size=12.012011528015137]Posted on March 17, 2014by Visionkeeper[/size]
[size=16.516515731811523]Awaken Your Voices… Afraid-black-and-white-boy-cool-favim-com-957206http://www.favim.com
Because the weather has been so brutally cold recently, I spent a good part of yesterday inside near the wood stove, doing something I rarely do. I focused in on television. I did not watch for entertainment, but rather watched and surfed around to get a feel for what was being put out to the people these days. I feel every now and then we have to take a pulse of what is going on and stay awake to save ourselves. I will not even go into the chaotic babble that the news stations were pounding out in regards to the lost flight 370. I find it all so disrespectful to those who are missing and their loved ones waiting in agony and hoping for their return. Their loss is NOT our entertainment.  Instead I want to take note of the advertising I flashed across during my research of television for the day. I was absolutely horrified to see the messages being broadcast out to millions of unsuspecting minds. It wasn’t even the products being advertised I found so upsetting, no, it was how the advertisements were being delivered!
First and foremost I was stunned at how degrading the delivery of this advertising was! So much of it was delivered in a format that should have been delivered to children. Incredibly childish, implausible scenarios that I found to be most insulting. Many are being turned out in cartoon fashion. I often in my posts urge people to stay awake and pay attention and many do, but often times what is being foisted off on innocent people is so subtle we do not even realize it. This is why the television is being used as the primary source for altering our minds and ultimately who we are! We are not mindless beings and because of this fact we need to reclaim our voices and speak out, come together and either demand change or at least awaken those around us.
Television programming is not only destroying people’s morals and deadening their hearts to violence and what they should consider to be right and true, but advertising is degrading people and beating them down to levels that are weak and needful. We are not all children and we should be respected for who we are and our intelligence should be respected as well! This drumbeat of childish and implausible ads are constantly imprinting the message in people’s minds that they have no intelligence beyond that of a child. ( Pay attention to the ads next time your TV is on! Better yet, turn it off.) This is so reprehensible. People are beaten down by continual fear tactics, their morals are being destroyed until they no longer respect or care about one another and now they are being told continuously through these advertisements that they have little intelligence worthy of respect. How long are people going to stand for this? When are the people’s voices going to come together and speak out for change? If we don’t pay attention to what is being done to us, soon we will no longer be aware enough to speak out. Perhaps that is why the silence is so deafening right now. I sincerely hope not!
I believe television much like the internet can be productive and empowering if used correctly and if they are not being controlled by our Government and corporations. Both could be modes of learning and more importantly a way of bringing people together. Imagine if TV were truthful, educational, awake and inspiring! It is up to the people to demand this change. I sense many people have lost their excitement to learn and be challenged by life and because of this, they are now in far greater need of being entertained. What a dangerous place to be in! If they require that something or someone entertain them, it means they have lost the ability to entertain themselves and they no longer embrace challenge and inspiration. We must not let go of these attributes for without them we become mindless followers that can be easily manipulated.
So what will it take to make the changes needed to go forward? It will take a refusal by the people to cave in to what is being offered to them and to demand better. We must be willing to give up our crutches such as watching degrading television to get us through life and instead reactivate our minds! We are so much more than what we are being told we are and it is time to realize this and use our pride to speak out a make a difference! It is up to us and we must join our voices and make ourselves heard! In essence we must finally learn to care about ourselves and each other enough to motivate action.
Blessings to us all,

Thanks to: http://oneworldrising.wordpress.com/

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