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“Nothing Overnight, Everything Now” ~ WSOMN FXStrategist

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“Nothing Overnight, Everything Now” ~ WSOMN FXStrategist

I usher an informal assemblage of RV hopefuls who range from small to large, unsophisticated to savvy, young to old. Some are quite desperate, financially or health-wise. All are elated for the opportunity to do good in the world after taking care of themselves and their families and friends.This email message flew from my heart to my fingers to my people via my iPad while still in bed this morning. (I was up late, like a few others of you!) In the spirit of Yosef’s Ho’oponopono message (and others like it, for which I express immense gratitude), I wish to share it with all of you for whatever comfort and wisdom you may gather from it.
All quiet this morning. This is like saving Tinkerbell. Stay in the presence of the now and enjoy the now. There is no deferred happiness. Happiness is always a choice, every second. Recognize the immense privilege that has been bestowed on us by our God and know that this timing is no mistake and there are no delays. Everything is automatic. This is the timing. Christmas is on December 25. Our invitation to call the banks is on our date, we just don’t know what that date is. But wishing it were December 25 today will never make it so. Be pleased and grateful today for today’s sake. That said, the reindeer’s hooves can be heard on the roof!
We are getting much guidance and information that lead us to conclude that our bank appointments will be easy and a delight. Programs and support have been conceived by the bank for us. We will not have to field trickery and greed, or remember the right vocabulary, or be master negotiators. This will not be the same usurious institution. The wicked stepmother will have been replaced by the Divine mother.
So, as much as you can, hold your clasped hands over your heart in sheer gratitude today and rejoice. Be grateful for this blessing as it has already happened. Details are unfolding in time which of course is just a human illusion along with space.
Love yourself, love others, and know you are loved.
Be still and know you are God.
Having participated in chat rooms frequently, I’ve chosen to be a lurker here and only an occasional commenter. But know that I pray for each and every one of you, have fun and laugh with you, and see the tremendous spirit you have engendered here. The room is authentic, raw, and spiritually congruent amidst the chaos, doubt, and rare bickering. Naysayers, trolls, and disinformation agents don’t stay in, driven out by the force of group reverse peristalsis. Yet diversity of views and faith are tolerated and even celebrated. Mazel tov! Praise be!
After a long career (long over) in trading and risk management in equity, derivative, and international markets on Wall Street, and having participated in financial deals like limited partnerships that had attenuated closings (one went nine months past the “have to close” date!), I have experience and perspective that help me stay centered. I am now a spiritual teacher and know how to go inside for my ultimate answers. This event has put me through many “processes” that have resulted in clearing my individual stuck energies, a prerequisite for the final release of our collective energies in the world, for the world. In the meantime, we are all here together for one earth-changing, momentous time in the history of humankind, and that binds us to one another energetically. Whether or not we ever meet or stay in touch after the event, we are part of a unique family on earth at this time. Love and blessings to you all!
This merely summarizes what many of you appreciate about the room and this moment every day. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!

Thanks to: https://angelstoyou.wordpress.com

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