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Benjamin Fulford — Q&A with Benjamin Fulford & a Reader

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Benjamin Fulford — August 29th, 2017: Q&A with Benjamin Fulford & a Reader ~ August 30, 2017

Posted on August 30, 2017 by cindyloucbp
Benjamin Fulford — Q&A with Benjamin Fulford & a Reader  Benjamin-fulford
I thought ya’ll might like to take a look at these questions/answers from Benjamin Fulford. As most of us know, Benjamin is an investigative reporter with close ties to Japan. He stays current on developments within the geo-political scene and offers his thoughts on current events by means of his personal blog, http://www.BenjaminFulford.net.
So…let’s see what information we can learn from reader questions and answers. Please read on below, put your thinking cap on, and…

I have some questions a number of people are aching to know the answers to in your reports.

Related Benjamin Fulford — August 28th 2017: High level weirdness in US as Khazarian control matrix crumbles
Source – Benjamin Fulford
1. Were papers filed in The Hague authorizing the US military to intervene on behalf of its people against elements of its own government? (ref email chain below) Would an alt-news campaign encourage the US military?
None of my sources have told me about papers filed in the Hague but I can assert for sure the Trump regime is a de facto military junta and the US military has already taken action.
2. Is it possible that the cabal used HAARP technology to create the Houston storm to bring up the oil price to support their banks?
Yes it is possible. When studying events it is always important to ask Qui Bono or who benefits.

3. Is an increase of troops in Afghanistan actually to occur because these troops will destroy the poppy fields/drug traffic?

No, the troops are there to protect the poppy fields because they generate about $1.6 trillion a year of revenue.
4. What is keeping George Soros from being arrested?
George Soros has not been arrested because he has been killed. The cabalists are trying to maintain the illusion he is alive because they need a front man like him to act as a cover for the real actors like the Rothschilds.
5. Why aren’t Antifa and BLM identified as terrorist organizations?
They have been and they are being rounded up.
6. When will China and Russia assert their authority for pricing physical precious metals?
It is an ongoing process. The real debate going on under the surface is about when, how, or if off-ledger gold is to be monetized. It is a complex issue.
7. Are mass arrests being deterred by terrorist nuclear/biological/other threats, and is this temporary?
There have been a lot of arrests but yes, some powerful actors are still around because they have armies protecting them and have access to weapons of mass destruction.
8. Are the CIA and FBI now under Trump’s control or do they work for the Cabal?
They are split into both factions but the Trump faction is now prevailing.

9. Is there any imminent significant action, or is all the impetus on a gradual (e.g. two year) transition?

There is a gradual transition underway. The main problem is that if you just collapse the system into a hard landing without a viable replacement ready, there will be chaos, bloodshed, and suffering on a massive scale.

10. What about the Antifa armed revolt training we are hearing about?

Antifa activists are being rounded up.

11. What do you currently see as the most hopeful course of action? Would you consider giving interviews in alt media?

The White Dragon Society is pushing for, and participating in, top level negotiations to revamp and, at times replace, the international architecture that was put in place after World War 2. And yes, I am happy to give interviews.

Thanks to: https://roserambles.org


The antifa activists are being rounded up just like benny said the cabal was being rounded up for the past few years.

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