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Ol Bobby Dunlap is "ready" for the SEC! His responses to "Jerzy"!! FUN STUFF!!!

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Carl Spackler

Jerzy Babkowski

08:57 (50 minutes ago)

Right Robert. You are running a scam, committing fraud, violating SEC laws, stealing, etc. - and you are going to sue US? Umm ok. You do that tough guy. Somethi

Robert Dunlap

09:15 (33 minutes ago)

Ol Bobby Dunlap is "ready" for the SEC! His responses to "Jerzy"!! FUN STUFF!!! Cleardot
Ol Bobby Dunlap is "ready" for the SEC! His responses to "Jerzy"!! FUN STUFF!!! Cleardot

to me
Ol Bobby Dunlap is "ready" for the SEC! His responses to "Jerzy"!! FUN STUFF!!! Cleardot

[ltr]looking forward to it.

Have a great day
Ol Bobby Dunlap is "ready" for the SEC! His responses to "Jerzy"!! FUN STUFF!!! Cleardot

Jerzy Babkowski

09:48 (0 minutes ago)

Ol Bobby Dunlap is "ready" for the SEC! His responses to "Jerzy"!! FUN STUFF!!! Cleardot
Ol Bobby Dunlap is "ready" for the SEC! His responses to "Jerzy"!! FUN STUFF!!! Cleardot

to Robert
Ol Bobby Dunlap is "ready" for the SEC! His responses to "Jerzy"!! FUN STUFF!!! Cleardot

[ltr]LOL!! Yes...I am sure you are looking forward to the SEC investigating! Hey - maybe they will visit the next workshop in Baltimore ( ya never ever know)! But  no doubt you can prove all your incredible claims ! Show them your magical tattoos! THAT will teach them to mess with you New Age nuts!! Channel some angels! Show them all the Picassios ( as that moron Dave calls them). Show them the forensics lab! Prove to them you hold billion $ surety bonds! You can do it Bob-meister!! No doubt all your claims are true! Oh and Dave said you just had a TWO BILLION offer to buy all coins! Too funny! Oh and  no doubt you can prove to the SEC and any judge that you have all these art museums waiting to hand over TRILLIONS in art to you batshit crazy New Age nuts! I can see the judges face now as you try and prove all these insane claims as part of your "lawsuits"! I suggest you drink some of  that "light water" Bobster!! 

Have a super scam-delicious day Bobby!!

Love ZAP!



Ol Bobby Dunlap is "ready" for the SEC! His responses to "Jerzy"!! FUN STUFF!!! Sec-logo
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Report Suspected Securities Fraud or Wrongdoing

Operating Status

Due to the ongoing federal government shutdown, the SEC is currently operating in accordance with the agency's plan for operating during a shutdown. The SEC has staff available to respond to emergency situations involving market integrity and investor protection, including law enforcement. In addition, our plan calls for the continuing operation of certain Commission systems, including the online Tips, Complaints, and Referrals (TCR) System. During the federal government shutdown, the public may continue to submit tips, complaints, or referrals to the Commission through the TCR System at https://www.sec.gov/tcr and submissions will be reviewed for appropriate action.
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  • Fraudulent or unregistered offer or sale of securities, including things like

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    • Pyramid schemes 
    • High-Yield Investment Programs

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  • Failure to file required reports with the SEC
  • Bribery of, or improper payments to, foreign officials
  • Fraudulent conduct associated with municipal securities transactions or public pension plans  

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