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Coronavirus Cover-Up Begins: China Threatens Social Media Users with Seven Years in Prison for Reporting Pandemic News that Doesn’t Parrot “Official” Stories
Date: February 1, 2020Author: Nwo Report

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Source: Mike Adams
With coronavirus infections having leaped nearly 30% in one day in mainland China, U.S. health officials are rolling out a “parade of lies” about the risks the United States might face. The number of fatalities attributed to coronavirus has already surpassed those of SARS, and the number of infections and deaths is increasing at an exponential (parabolic) rate (see chart below).
Hundreds of commercial air flights from China continue each day, delivering potentially infected Chinese citizens to large cities around the world, including New York, London, Miami, Los Angeles, and Toronto. The transmissivity of the virus is so high that every one person who carries it — even when they show no symptoms — can transmit the virus to two or three other people. This results in an exponential growth rate that quickly cascades out of control.
According to a study published in The Lancet, this coronavirus strain has a 15% fatality rate and an 83% infection rate for those exposed. The roughly 8-day incubation period is characterized by high contagiousness combined with a bizarre lack of fever symptoms in some carriers, further contributing to the spread of the virus by allowing “stealth carriers” to bypass airport screening.
China is burning through 100,000 full-body health hazard suits each day, providing a strong hint about the real scale of this pandemic, despite the official figures released by the communist Chinese government. That government, by the way, has gone out of its way to artificially limit the supply of diagnostic kits in order to suppress the number of people confirmed to be carrying the virus.
Here’s a chart from just two days ago, showing the parabolic rise in infections. Note that the real numbers are now nearly double what’s shown in this chart:
CoV UPDATE - Coronavirus Cover-Up Begins plus MORE Coronavirus-spread-chart-reuters
Now, the government of China has issued “harsh warnings to silence social media postings” from users who are trying to survive the quarantined cities, which now encompass over 56 million mainland Chinese. The Epoch Times reported earlier today:
The outbreak of Wuhan coronavirus has made many mainland Chinese realize that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its media mouthpieces do not tell the truth or tell the whole story. Social media users in Wuhan, especially doctors and nurses, share their experiences and post videos on social media to alert everyone of the true situation, which the authorities find embarrassing.

People who tell the truth online are accused of “spreading rumors” – just like in the USA

Individuals who dare to report the truth about the lack of supplies or the true numbers of coronavirus infections are accused of “spreading rumors,” a tactic that smacks of Big Tech censorship in the United States. The Epoch Times reports about this warning from the communist Chinese regime:
“A variety of unsubstantiated comments posted to the internet constantly stir up public panic,” the notice read, “All those who spread fake news and thus disturb social order will face up to three years in prison, detention, or disciplinary action. Those who have caused serious consequences will be given 3-year to 7-year prison terms.”
That’s right: Prison sentences for anyone who questions the official lies of the corrupt government. Sounds a lot like the way the tech giants operate in America when it comes to vaccines and chemotherapy: Anyone who questions the dogma of the corrupt establishment is immediately condemned as a menace to public health.
China, it seems, is borrowing Big Tech’s playbook to deal with inconvenient truths they don’t want the public to hear. The first casualty of every pandemic, never forget; is the truth.

China mirrors Google: All pandemic news FORBIDDEN unless it comes from official sources

Following in the footsteps of Google, which forbids all news sources unless they are “official” sources (i.e. fake news from the corrupt establishment), China has also announced that all pandemic news is forbidden unless it comes from official sources.
Via the same article link above:
A leaked document from the Cyberspace Administration of China also stated that starting on Jan. 26, all social media groups are forbidden to publish any news about Wuhan pneumonia that is not from official sources. The police will arrest all those who spread unconfirmed news.
As a result of these policies, Chinese citizens are now supposed to pretend that coronavirus isn’t causing people to drop dead in the streets or that infections and deaths are not taking place right in front of their own eyes. This is much the same sort of twisted delusion that’s required of Americans, too, who are demanded to pretend that Joe Biden isn’t a corrupt grifter or that Hillary Clinton isn’t the head of a political mafioso that “eliminates” political enemies as a routine operation.
In China, citizens who have run out of food, medicine, and fuel in quarantine areas are ordered to imagine they are living bountiful lives with an abundance of everything they need, for to contradict the communist party’s “official stories” is to risk ending up in an organ harvesting prison (which also may not be mentioned without fear of being sentenced to death).
In the United States, it’s not much different, either: The corporate-controlled media, corrupt CDC and Big Tech monopolists also conspire to not just silence independent sources who question the official lies; they also go out of their way to destroy the reputations of the persons who dare to ask such questions. It’s not quite the same as being thrown in a gulag, but it’s still a character assassination with significant long-term damage.

Government threats against citizens prove the pandemic is only getting worse… and no government has it under control, not even the U.S. government

The fact that China’s communist regime is now threatening its own citizens with seven years of prison time for reporting “rumors” about the pandemic only underscores the sheer desperation of the government itself. If the pandemic really isn’t spreading, then why worry about social media posts?
If people really aren’t dying, then why does the government have to threaten people with prison time to try to shut them up?
If the coronavirus is under control, why are only “official news sources” allowed to be quoted? And if it’s all just fine, then why are 56 million Chinese under quarantine right now?
The answer is obvious. Just as in America, the government is lying to the citizens.
The coronavirus is far, far worse than any official source is reporting. As usual, you are being lied to, and the more “official” the source, the bigger the lie.
In this important podcast, I explain why both China and Trump are deliberately downplaying the true severity of the coronavirus pandemic:

Best guess: Minimum 100,000 infections in China, and at least 500 in the USA right now

My sense right now, based on all the information I’m reading and studying, is that coronavirus infections in China are, at the very moment, probably in excess of 100,000 patients. In another week, that number will likely double to 200,000. At some point, the number of sick and dead Chinese will be too much for even the communist regime to deny. And if the numbers get large enough, the regime itself may be threatened with overthrow from a disgruntled population tired of being lied to about everything.
That’s the real threat to China here: Not the pandemic but an uprising and a revolt against the communist regime.
For the situation in the USA, my best guess is that there are at least 500 carriers in America right now, most of them oblivious to the fact that they are infected. These are individuals, mostly at universities, who came into contact with infected Chinese students or who shared commercial air flights with them. These numbers won’t become apparent for several more weeks, however, as the CDC is far behind on its sample testing.
The CDC’s current claim that it is “observing” somewhere around 110 individuals in America holds about as much credibility as China saying only 130 people have died so far. Both of these numbers of pure fiction presented by corrupt, criminally dishonest regimes that have long histories of deceiving the public and withholding vital information from the public.
Stay informed. Don’t trust lying governments or lying “media” fake news factories. The only real news comes from real people like the ones who run The Epoch Times, InfoWars, or Natural News.
We are the real news, and we will tell you the real truth that may just help save your life if this pandemic spins out of control.

Thanks to: https://nworeport.me



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The Corona Virus … who to believe?

February 2, 2020 Pam Vernon

I’ve refrained from commenting much on this issue because really if you’re observing developments in light of the bigger scheme of things, well it’s hard to know who is telling the truth these days. We have a lying, bought whore media, lying in other ranks, a history of creating viruses in labs that are patented!! So much untruth. We hear also of firemen being held back from attending fires (run by UN now apparently) and no will to employ geoengineering tech and put out the Aussie fires.  Then we have the Police deciding not to send help to the Whakaari/White Is eruption victims but taking credit later even when it was Joe Public who went to their help, and I haven’t even mentioned all of the 1080 anomalies in our Court system even. It’s all coming to light quite plainly of late the lying. Add to that the heavy censorship going on of all things truth. Recently Facebook that is doubling down on all independent info & truth, they removed a post of mine by a Harvard immunologist. They are not even smart enough to remove something that maybe looks fake … but a Harvard immunologist? That alone tells what people will swallow without question. Problem with the post was she was talking about vaccines and the unvaccinated posing no risk, and of course the truth on that topic is bursting out so wildly they’ve got the WHO vaccine safety folks scrambling for some good answers to give those pesky inquiring parents who weirdly enough want to protect their children from injury. One in 39 according to CDC’s own stats are injured. Who would want to take that very high risk yet they are pushing for mandatory? Then we have the NZ Vaccinologist telling us that strange line that SARS and MERS viruses were set up to kill a lot more  people… very weird isn’t it? And yes, we’re now hearing there’s a vaccine coming. They’re working on it.
Doesn’t that make you feel really really safe?
Anyway, all that said, in my trawling through the various news sources on the CV I note that the Fullerton Informer has a good overview that’s the best I’ve heard yet. Listen below and make up your own mind … details on the video can be found by clicking on the YT icon bottom right of the video screen taking you to YT.
Aside from all discussions, truths or untruths, I believe it’s  always wisest (as with the 1080 issue) to take the precautionary approach. Your corporations parading as governments are not doing that … they are not testing 5G for instance (nor heeding the independent science) and unleashing it on you anyway so YOU are the test case. They do this with vaccines & pharmaceuticals as well. No LT studies or proof of safety required (as happened with glyphosate in Roundup) plus in the case of vaccines have been protected as industries from any kickback should you want to sue them. Protect yourself therefore, going by the info that you have, particularly the independent info, from reliable sources of course. Cover all bases. You’ve nothing to lose in doing that. Have a read below the video of Jim Humble’s recent spiel. (Thanks to NZ Rose for that info). His is very helpful advice. EWR


Some of you have written asking for my thoughts on the latest coronavirus which is making headlines these days.
To start, here is one definition of coronavirus: Coronaviruses are types of viruses that typically affect the respiratory tract of mammals, including humans. They are associated with the common cold, pneumonia, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and can also affect the gut.
News agencies report that the recent outbreak of the coronavirus in Wuhan, China is rapidly evolving and reportedly (at the time of this writing),infections from the virus have now been found on other continents and several other countries in Asia have reported cases as well.
Signs of the virus are fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as coughing, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath—however, it has been reported that some carriers of this strain of coronavirus show no respiratory symptoms at all. This makes it extremely difficult to detect carriers of
the virus, taking into account that health officials are looking for respiratory symptoms such as coughing, sneezing and breathing difficulties.
Another report said some carriers have no fever and no coughing, but instead are exhibiting symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting and chest pains.
At the time of writing this, statistics vary according to the news as to how many confirmed cases there are worldwide, as well as deaths. It has been reported that China is moving to restrict travel and schools in Hong Kong and the mainland are postponing classes. Some say the situation is far worse
than what is being reported, others suggest it is a hoax.
The purpose of this newsletter is not to analyze or speculate what is behind all of this, or try to project where it is all going. As most would agree, we live in very unique times—whether you believe this and other similar outbreaks are part of a great conspiracy, or signs of the times according to Biblical predictions, or whatever other reason—I would like to say, it’s a good time to have some MMS on hand and educate yourself in its use.
MMS (sodium chlorite activated with a food grade acid which then produces chlorine dioxide) kills most of the diseases of mankind. I don’t know for sure about the coronavirus at this time—but we know that MMS kills viruses as well as pathogens of all kinds and is an immune system builder. There is much anecdotal evidence that says MMS has proven very effective in eradicating viruses including Ebola, Swine Flu, TB, and other respiratory diseases. Chlorine dioxide was completely effective against Anthrax in 2001, and used by US Military for Ebola in 2014. It’s been proven by the Red Cross in 2012 to eradicate malaria in just four hours, to name a few. I have been receiving feedback for over 22 years from people all around the world who have given testimony of how they recovered their health from a vast variety of disease, many life-threatening, with MMS. Therefore, I have every reason to believe it can be effective in stopping and preventing the current novel coronavirus going around today.
For more information and some important facts on MMS, as well as the history of MMS, go here:

  • MMS (Chlorine Dioxide) – Some History ( http://mail.mmsnews.org/index.php?option=com_acymailing&ctrl=ur… )
  • Important Facts Regarding MMS ( http://mail.mmsnews.org/index.php?option=com_acymailing&ctrl=ur… )

Again, I have reason to believe, MMS (chlorine dioxide), can be very effective in both preventing and eradicating the coronavirus. With the barrage of health issues in the world today, I would say, let MMS be your first line of defense. Why not be prepared for whatever may come your way? It’s better
to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. The point is, we never know when an emergency or “outbreak” of some illness is going to happen. Weather it is a stroke, or a heart attack, an accident or this year’s epidemic. We need to be prepared ahead of time and not wait until it’s too late. A great way to prepare is to educate yourself on MMS. The best way you can do this, in my opinion, is get the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook, available here: jhbooks.org ( http://mail.mmsnews.org/index.php?option=com_acymailing&ctrl=ur… )
This book is a clear and concise guide to all you need to know in order to recover health with MMS, as well as how to strengthen your immune system by staying overall toxin free. So get the Guidebook, study it, familiarize yourself with it and have MMS on hand.
Regarding the coronavirus, at this point in time if you have it, I would suggest trying MMS first as MMS has eradicated a wide range of maladies. In my own personal experience traveling around the world and helping people with many different diseases, I have to say there have been positive results at least 95% of the time. I would say those are pretty good odds. At this time MMS is being used by thousands and thousands of people in more than 185 countries.
Below are provisional steps one can take, a variation of my standard protocols and Health Recovery Plan, but something to try immediately in the case of coronavirus until you can get the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook. Here’s my suggestion: MMS must be activated drop for drop with the activator. Mix the drops in a clean dry glass, count 30 seconds so the drops can activate—they should turn amber color. After the 30 second count add 1/2 cup (4 ounces/120ml) of water, then immediately drink it down. (Do not leave this to sit for more than a few seconds, it must be taken immediately or it will begin to lose potency.) First, take six activated drops of MMS in 1/2 cup of water. Wait one hour, and then take six more activated drops in 1/2 cup of water. That may do it. You will know within two hours if it killed the disease by how you feel. What to do next depends upon how those first two doses made you feel. Follow these next directions carefully:
If you feel better after taking the two 6-drop doses of MMS, reduce your intake to 3 activated drops in 1/2 cup of water every hour for eight hours a day, until completely well. You may want to continue this for up to 21 days to be sure you are free of disease and as an overall detoxification of the body. Always take the MMS within seconds of mixing up the dose. Any time you should feel worse when taking MMS, proceed with
Any time after taking MMS activated drops you feel worse, cut your intake by one half but do not stop hourly doses. If you still feel worse cut your intake by one half again, but continue with hourly doses. Feeling worse after taking the MMS drops such as showing signs of nausea, diarrhea or headache is actually a sign that you are ridding your body of toxins. It is called a Herxheimer reaction. It indicates you are killing the disease, but you are killing it too fast—the point is go slow enough so as not to make yourself unnecessarily uncomfortable.
These suggestions are only to get you started should you come down with a life threatening virus. You need the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook for complete instructions. There are more details and important things to know for getting well, such as do not take things that neutralize MMS such as coffee, tea, orange juice, milk, alcohol, things very high in antioxidants and so on, at the same time you take MMS doses. I wrote the Guidebook with all the details in mind, I simply cannot repeat it all here—so get the book. In the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook, I have outlined a Health Recovery Plan which gives full instructions and protocols on how to handle other illness and disease.
If you do not have coronavirus, but you think you have been exposed, you might want to take two 6-drop doses of MMS, an hour apart. I would then suggest doing the Starting Procedure, followed by Protocol 1000, as a preventative measure and as an overall detoxification of your body. And last, but not least, I recommend a daily maintenance dose of MMS for all. Full details of these protocols are found in the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook, available here: jhbooks.org ( http://mail.mmsnews.org/index.php?option=com_acymailing&ctrl=ur… )
As mentioned above, educate yourself now—familiarize yourself with MMS today, don’t wait until you are in the middle of a crisis.
All the best and good fortune to you along the way,
Jim Humble
This is my disclaimer as it seems everyone must have a disclaimer now days: I have shared certain views and opinions in the above Newsletter. I would follow this information myself if I had need, but everybody has to take responsibility for their own health. I am not a doctor. I do not diagnose,prescribe, treat, or cure. I merely provide information (for educational purposes) based on my experience and the experience of others. I do not suggest anyone follow my advice without getting the advice of a qualified health professional, and then decide what you want to do about your own health. Again, each person must take responsibility for his/her own health. So, please do what you feel is best.”
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


Thanks to: https://envirowatchrangitikei.wordpress.com

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