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They call it THE GREAT RESET - "Planned to the smallest detail"

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They call it THE GREAT RESET - "Planned to the smallest detail" 3573166_300x300


2They call it THE GREAT RESET - "Planned to the smallest detail" Empty They call it the great reset Mon Jul 20, 2020 11:17 am


I believe there is a reset of some kind going on but I am a bit confused. On the one hand the pandemic is being called a hoax  but people are dropping like flies. On the other hand I am aware that on the Georgia Guidestone, there is written something about maintaining humanity/population under 500,000,000. Could this pandemic be the beginning of the controllers effort to start to reduce the world's population? This I suspect will be followed by the vaccine that will take out vast numbers of the population. Could Donald Trump be the one chosen by them to make sure this de-population process moves forward? I read some where that he is a free mason. His show the Apprentice is a throw back to free masonry in that the 1st degree is referred to as an apprentice. Were we blindsided by him? Someone, please help me understand. I am so bewildered by all of this but I live in hope and send love to all of you.



We are all confused. That is by design imo. The MSM and the Alt media have been putting out contradictory info for years! So I guess we all just have to try to keep reading between the lines and lies and take away what pertains to each of us individually. The planet is in a really sorry state and humans are a hot mess.
I think you are dead on (pun intended) in the summation of the guide stones agenda here kiara!
As topspin always says they are that good!
Much love to you and yours also! Hang in there and stay safe! xox :)


Ahhhhh Purps, they are indeed that good. 1800 years of planning, 30 million evil participants, and I say we are in trouble. Trump seems to be to indecisive to be the one. He lacks the commitment to self, as he appears to have a master. With that said, he is our only chance of survival....If all would read the Protocols of Zion, one would know that it says "even when you vote for them, you still vote for us". It is hard for humans to understand the mind of the soulless. We lack the reference points...

The Hegelian Dialectic as a Tool of Mass Manipulation

The unfortunate irony here is that the Hegelian Dialectic is not only a way of explaining how history progresses, but it is also sort of a playbook on how to manipulate the masses. And therein lies the irony because the kind of people who want to manipulate the masses usually aren’t the kind of people who want to help freedom unfold. So how is it that the Hegelian Dialectic can be used to manipulate the masses?


5They call it THE GREAT RESET - "Planned to the smallest detail" Empty Rest be damned Mon Jul 20, 2020 9:42 pm


It is all planned to create fear and compliance in an ignorant population.      The pandemic hysteria is a part of the plan to impose control reminiscent of 1984. It will not succeed by the sacrifices of the few as in Sheldrake's principle.


Sheldrake's morphic resonance posits that "memory is inherent in nature"[3][8] and that "natural systems... inherit a collective memory from all previous things of their kind."[8] Sheldrake proposes that it is also responsible for "telepathy-type interconnections between organisms."

So what you are saying is that we(others) will protect ourselves from ourselves through inherent memory?

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