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Piercing the Corporate Veil

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1Piercing the Corporate Veil  Empty Piercing the Corporate Veil Thu Aug 06, 2020 8:50 am



Piercing the Corporate Veil  Hqdefault

Piercing the Corporate Veil 
(Ray Earnest)

The term "Piercing the Corporate Veil" is a legal one which identifies the process where a court removes the protection provided individual members of a corporation for criminal activity, and makes these members responsible for their own actions. 
In reality, according to the original meaning of corporations, is that these corporate groups were established exactly for that reason; for unlawful purposes, primarily to escape punishment for their crimes by placing the blame on a fictional organization responsible to no one. The "United States" government jumped on the corporate bandwagon the first part of the 1870's by declaring themselves a separate entity from Constitutional government. This, of course, followed the war between the states and the supposed Fourteenth Amendment (which lawfully never was, but was accepted by the newly formed corporation called the "United States.") The fact that the Constitution had already established a United States was inconsequential to those traitors in Congress because it was the Constitution itself they wanted destroyed and the war, instigated by the Jewish factions of Europe, was fought for this purpose. All the flowery fictions blamed for the war is pure fantasy. 
Corporations, themselves, are natural processes of society, that is, when a group of people gather for a particular purpose, such as for forming a community, they are a corporation and there can be no criminal intent attached thereto, but it is when corporations are established with the power to declare themselves "bankrupt" that makes them criminal. This is the situation of our government today; the richest, most powerful nation on earth is "bankrupt." Just the thought is ridiculous. 
Corporations are legal fictions; that is, they do not exist except in the minds of men. Anyone can create a fantasy in their own mind and make it do for them what they please, but these fantasies cannot nor do they extend to areas outside the realm of personal capacity. Corporations are made of living, breathing men, all with the same ideas and purposes. We can look upon them with the same limitations as the individual, and that is their jurisdiction is confined to the lawful area of their creation. A corporation, being a legal fiction, cannot think, it cannot act in any manner, it cannot even communicate with natural man, and for this reason it must have somebody, or bodies to speak and act for it, and the lawyers have set themselves up for this task. The enormity of corporate enterprises is limited only by imagination and they are gold mines for the bar associations, which are corporations themselves. 

Even thieves must leave an out for themselves, as they never know when the worm will turn; and "dumb" burrowing rodents will have at least two exits from their dens. After years of research, a few people have found what we believe to be that "out" from corporate jurisdiction (which has been milking the citizens of this nation for well over a century). We have had great success with this "out" and the shocked looks and frenzies of Judges presented with this procedure show us that we are on the right track. As all other sure things, however, we can't rest on our laurels and be smug with our assumptions that it is fool proof. We have to remember that it took the lawyer profession many years to come up with their gimmicks and they aren't going to fall over and play dead as we proceed to break up their play houses and we know from experience that they know how to play rough. The idea is to hit hard, fast, and as widespread as possible before they can see what is happening and that is why we need as much diversity and geographical application as we can muster. 
There is nothing complicated about the procedure of disclaiming corporation existence, which is what all this is about. The difficulty lies in overcoming a lifetime of corporate propaganda and we have had great difficulty in this area. We, who work with this procedure, went through the same agonizing process before we realized that it really works. We were looking for the complicated when the answer to our problems was right under our noses all of the time. 
I don't mean to write a book and omit the meat of my subject, but you will find that some prosecutors and judges just haven't got the picture yet and will ask your source of information when you go before them and you need a little background to keep from being embarrassed. Again, try not to read difficulty into a perfectly simple procedure which is outlined below. Not having access to laws of other States, I can only quote from those to which I have access, and those are of Louisiana. We have tried this system in Alabama and Florida and know it works there (we didn't even research the law books in those states before acting) and we have to assume it will work nationally as the corporation veil encompasses every nook and cranny of the nation. For this very reason, we can't see where a general withdrawal from their jurisdiction is possible. Every case must be decided on its own until there are enough of us, and locations, to make the corporate masters accept the fact that they can't fight it. Please read the two sections from the Louisiana Civil Codes, and the Louisiana Revised Statutes below carefully; dissect them word by word and the message will come out loud and clear. 
Civil Codes of Louisiana - Art. 445. The statutes and regulations which corporations enact for their police and discipline, are obligatory upon all their respective members who are bound to obey them, provided such statutes contain nothing contrary to the laws, to public liberty, or to the interest of others. 
Louisiana Revised Statutes - Art. 429. Corporate existence presumed unless affidavit of denial filed before trial. 
On trial of any criminal case it shall not be necessary to prove the incorporation of any corporation mentioned in the indictment, unless the defendant, before entering upon such trial, shall have filed his affidavit specifically denying the existence of such corporation. 
These two simple paragraphs say it all. If one is a member of a corporation he is bound by corporate rules and regulations, and those outside those corporations are not subject to their jurisdiction. 
The corporate status of an individual entering the court is automatically assumed by the court unless they have notice to counter such assumptions, and this is the purpose of the affidavit, an example of which I will provide below. 
All of the socialistic programs, integration of the races, the grab of power at all echelons of government, and all the other ills of this nation are corporate "enterprises." One cannot escape the thumb of corporate authority until such time as he has removed himself from the jurisdiction. 
We can view government today as a corporate reality, where the Constitution is merely a by word, or ruse of fiction, where the Congress is the board of governors, the President is the corporate CEO, and the "courts" are mere corporate arbitration boards, including the U.S. Supreme Court. When we pierce the corporate veil and remove ourselves from that corrupt venture we become men again and carry with us our natural laws and sovereignty, from whence the corporations received their powers originally. 
The corporations of which we are primarily concerned are these: 
I will provide here a scenario and a sample of affidavit to control the final disposition of the case involved: 
John Preston Hickman has just been stopped by a Tarrant City, Alabama cop by the name of William C. Henly, for doing 45 in a 35 MPH zone. After the normal procedures of checking drivers license, insurance, etc., Henly gives Hickman a ticket with an appearance date of June 15, 2000 in city court. John does it right by not arguing with the cop and doing as he has been told by the officer, accepting the ticket and even signing it as ordered by the cop. Then John goes home and prepares himself an affidavit which reads something like this: 
Affidavit of Denial of Corporation Existence 
I, John Preston: Hickman, a living, breathing man, declare in my own handwriting that the following facts are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. 
If any man or woman desiring to answer this affidavit, please answer in the manner of this affidavit, with notarized affidavit, using your Christian or family name for signature, and mail to the below named notary, address provided, within five (5) days or default will be obtained. 
John Preston: Hickman 
On the 25th day of May, 2000 a.d., a man who identified himself as John Preston Hickman appeared before me, a notary, and attested to the truth of this affidavit with his signature. 
Wilson R. Nimbly, Notary Public 1423 Fairmont Drive Tarrant City, Alabama 35217 
Four copies of this affidavit should be (preferably) handwritten; one copy forwarded to the Tarrant City Police Department in time to give them five days to respond. Thirty minutes before you enter the court, take the remaining three copies, filing one in their court and having the clerk stamp the other two and giving one to the prosecutor. Keep the remaining copy with you in court in case the prosecutor and judge have not received their copies. 
The way it has gone for us in like situations here, when the "defendant's" name is called, he stands and answers and the judge will look to the prosecutor and ask him the anticipated action of the charges. The prosecutor (speaking in low tones) replies that the evidence is lacking for prosecution, or something in that manner, and the judge dismisses the case. 
This system has worked in many such cases, including a state tax case, where the state was required to return the money taken from the bank accounts of a husband and wife with the tax "debt" being cleared from the records. I have used it, personally, to place a $150,000.00 lien against a lawyer in Birmingham, Alabama which has been there for several years. He brought suit in HIS court to have the lien removed, to no avail. Of course I never answered his frivolous suit because I had already identified myself as a living man and not one of his fictions. I used the affidavit to stop my phone company from adding AT&T charges for their social engineering and a couple of other minor purposes; all were stopped cold. The amount of wins in this area with no losses convinces us that this procedure set up in 1925 by the State Legislature of Louisiana is a very valid process and should be effective for any and all reasons against any corporation, public or private, within the United States. 
"Tax Liens" are official legal charges against an individual and the affidavit works there also. Remember that the IRS is a corporation unto itself and even though it is not directly connected to the U.S. Government, the fact that it operates within this nation makes it liable to the affidavit. If a bank, for any reason, gives your money to those whose signatures are not on the bank card, they are committing a crime and the person giving that money to the IRS, the State, or anyone else is personally 
responsible to the depositor and an affidavit to that bank should result in the immediate redeposit of those funds. 
Your deposit in a bank is a "bailment" and while no fiduciary relationship is created by this bailment (because it is of the bank in general and not an individual) your signature card reflects the only authority for the disposition of your "money." As was shown recently, an affidavit, notifying the bank that the depositor was not a part of their or any other corporation, and that the one signing a check to the State Tax Division was responsible for the depositor's money and not the depositors themselves, since their signatures appeared on no part of the transaction, and the bank had to recall the checks, the tax "debt" was cleared, and all money was re- deposited into the accounts of the husband and wife, who had separate banks and accounts. Powerful stuff, these affidavits, and those writing the laws back in 1925 knew what they were doing. 
One man was hesitant to use this system because "judges just walk all over those who challenge their jurisdiction." Well, with the affidavit we most certainly are challenging their jurisdiction, but not in general. Any rebuttal at all is a challenging their jurisdiction, and that is what it is all about. What we need to get straight right off is the fact that they DO have jurisdiction in their corporate capacities, but that doesn't mean they can bring non-corporate citizens into that jurisdiction (which is exactly what they have done through fraud). 
All we are doing with the affidavit is merely showing them that their assumptions that all men are a part of their scheme are very wrong, and that we have the law on our side that shows them to be wrong. 
Corporations, even though they are "legal" fictions, are still businesses; businesses are commercial enterprises, and commercial enterprises are controlled by the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). 
Judges will tell you differently and they will be wrong. Corporations are established by the State, whether Federal or otherwise, (government is State) and all States of the Union have accepted the UCC (which originally was established for the District of Columbia, if my information is correct). The UCC is a complicated mass of business jargon to the casual reader, but in reality our rights are contained in the pages of those documents. Our right to contract, fair play in contracts, business, and all other aspects of human commerce activities are covered in the UCC. 
While man, especially the Christian man, is born with the common law in his heart, the English common law was derived from commerce and commercial law itself. In the middle ages, open "fairs," or trading centers were set up in England (and most likely in all other countries of Europe) where people could bring their produce and goods to sell. 
People would come from all areas of Europe to attend these fairs, or trading centers, and of course squabbling was rampant and constant, so Courts of Arbitration were established to settle these arguments, and render the exact law on any subject. These courts were called "Pied Powder Courts" because, it is said, that the courts settled arguments before the dust of the well trampled ground could settle on their feet. If I remember correctly, admiralty and maritime law was derived from this court, and separation was made between law of the sea and law of the land which was included in our Constitution. For a judge to say that he isn't affected by commercial law, or the UCC, is hogwash. I ask them if they aren't under commercial law - then why does it cost $150.00 to file a case with their courts while we are paying taxes to support them. Of course, the answer is evaded, and this is another story. 
The bottom line of the affidavit denying the existence of corporations is that it pierces the corporate veil by an individual, and for the same purposes; the criminal activities of the courts themselves. We, as individual sovereigns, have the right and the duty to questions our servants and if they refuse to be questioned then this only proves our contention that they are crooks. It also makes them aliens to our way of life because they are upholding the policies of the Bar Associations, which are alien corporations, instead of the law of this land. No lawyer, no judge, or other "judicial" agent of this nation is licensed by the State (aka, we the people) to do business anywhere in the country. Yet, they treat us as aliens in our own venues. This has to stop, and we need to do everything within our power to help it along.

I forgot to mention:  I am not a lawyer. This is my understanding of how things work, NOT A LEGAL ADVICE.

Do not use if you don't understand. You use these infos at your own risk.
Please make sure the above warning is present in what you forward to people.

Thanks to S.L. for the info

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