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Icarus, the billionaires and global resetters

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Icarus, the billionaires and global resetters
Published on January 27, 2022
Written by Bud Bromley

Icarus, the billionaires and global resetters The-Great-Reset-image-2-Facebook

There is a giant disconnect in the global oligarchy’s plan to Great Reset world economy back to feudalism.

Those dreamers and schemers who imagine going to the stars and planets and launching and maintaining networks of satellites to continue to propagandize the sheep are the same people who are pushing through their banking and political connections to de-carbonize society.
No windmill or solar panel or even nuclear fuel can launch a payload off this planet. Walmart, COSTCO, Target shelves will be empty of anything people want or need, just like the department stores in Moscow during the Soviet period.
Their imaginary drone delivery systems could not be built nor maintained and there would be no goods to ship.
One hypothetical is that the uber rich will maintain their own petroleum refinery and network of petrochemical plants to supply themselves, their companies and Bill Gates’ giant corporate farms with the necessary fuels, intermediates, basic chemical, plastics and so forth. But, how is that different from what exists today?

They will not be shutting down those operations, they will be expanding them. They do not yet realize that.
It is not only the governments of virtually all developed countries that are mentally screwed up in their own narcissistic delusions. Most of the major corporations, banks, airlines, unions, healthcare systems, manufacturing companies including so-called Big-Tech are on a self-destructive fool’s errand like no other.
How will Apple make a cell phone without petrochemicals?
How will Facebook or whatever it will be called maintain their social network without petrochemicals?
How will the global bankers run their planned cryptocurrency without computer and satellite networks?
How does Amazon, COSTCO, Walmart, Target have food to deliver when there is no fertilizer?
Think about a hospital room and how much there is made from plastic.
Imagine the giant government bureaucracies that today dominate every developed country and their politicians working without computers and networks?
Does anyone still manufacture a typewriter? Oops, more trees would need to be cut down for more paper for more memos and letters. So much for the paperless office. The delays would tie the world in a knot. Governments and corporations can no longer exist on their old paper-based ways. It would be massively inefficient and impractical.
Much more here by Ronald Stein and probably better said than I:  https://www.cfact.org/2022/01/17/esg-extreme-shortages-guaranteed/
In a bizarre sort of way, this all leaves me optimistic for the long term.
Because their unrealistic, non-scientific, impractical carbon-free dystopian dream collides with their regressive feudal plan to control the world.  And no transhumanistic string theory can fix the disconnect.
They are making fools and laughing stock of themselves and half of the people of the so-called developed world.
Yes, I am referring to the so-called leaders of governments and major industries everywhere, not to mention the supranational government wannabes like the UN, WHO, EU, World Economic Forum, Club of Rome, etc.  They are all fools and they are going down hard like the Hindenburg.
All we, free people and free thinkers, have to do is wait and most importantly to not allow them and their media and military machine to take us to war again.
War has always been the solution of feudal ideologues when they finally realize their utopian dreams collide with reality.  Don’t take a knee.
It is the repeating prophesy of Icarus.
See more here: budbromley.blog

Thanks to: https://principia-scientific.com




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