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The Birth Certificate

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1 The Birth Certificate Empty The Birth Certificate Sun Aug 16, 2015 1:27 pm



The Birth Certificate

(Clinton in 1997 per EO 13037 approved of SLAVERY, so we DO Have a DICTATOR; ownership by the Federal Government or some other entity; defense and nondefense capital; physical capital and intangible or human capital;)

The information below explains how a fictitious "alter ego" of the real you exists.  The fictitious version of you has been created in an effort to justify acts that would be unlawful if applied to the real you.  Government documents show the United States went bankrupt in 1933.  Operating government on credit requires enormous collateral.  Government itself produces no wealth.  Flesh and blood people do.  Your "strawman's" life and property have been pledged as collateral1 for government debt!

The Birth Certificate

Since the early 1960's State governments, themselves legal fictions as indicated by full caps, have issued birth certificates to "persons" using all-caps names. This is not a lawful record of your physical birth, but a legal fiction indicated by the use of all-caps. It may look as if it's your proper name, but that's impossible since no proper name is ever written in all-caps. As you will see, the Birth Certificate is the government's created legal instrument for its legal title of ownership, or deed, to the personal legal fiction they have created.

One factor to recognize, before going any further, is the governmental use of older data storage from the late 1950's until the early 1980's. As a "leftover" from various Teletype oriented systems, many government data storage methods used all-caps for proper names.   At first, this may have been a necessity of the technology at the time, not a deliberate act. Perhaps, when this technology was first being used and implemented into the mainstream of communications, some legal experts saw it as a perfect tool for their legal fictions. What better excuse could there be?

However, since local, State and Federal offices primarily used typewriters during that same time period, and Birth Certificates and other important documents, such as Driver's Licenses, were produced with typewriters, it's very doubtful that this poses much of an excuse to explain all-caps usage for proper names. The only reasonable usage of the older databank all-caps storage systems would have been for addressing envelopes or certain forms in bulk, including payment checks, which the governments did frequently.

Automated computer systems, with daisy wheel and pin printers used prevalently in the early 1980's, emulated the IBM electric typewriter Courier or Helvetica fonts in both upper and lower case letters. Shortly thereafter, the introduction of laser and ink jet printers with multiple fonts became the standard. For the past twenty years the only rational excuse for the government to use all-caps is if older data is still stored in its original form and has not been translated due to the costs of re-entry.  But this does not excuse the entry of new data, only "legacy" data. In fact, on many government forms today, proper names are in all-caps while other areas of the same computer produced document are in both upper and lower case. One can only conclude that the use of all-caps when printing a proper name is no mistake.
Birth information is collected by the state and turned over to the U.S.  The Birth Certificate Dept_of_com. The all-caps fictitious corporate entity is then placed into a "trust", known as a "Cestui Que Trust". A cestui que trust is defined as: "He who has a right to a beneficial interest in and out of an estate the legal title to which is vested in another; The beneficiary of another." Cestui que use is: "He for whose use and benefit lands or tenements are held by another. The cestui que user has the right to receive the profits and benefits of the estate, but the legal title and possession, as well the duty of defending the same, reside in the other."
Each one of us, including our children, are considered assets of the bankrupt United States which acts as the "Debtor in Possession." We are designated by this government as human "resources" or human "capital".  You may have noticed that all "personnel" offices have been converted to "human resource" offices.  The government assumes the role of the Trustee while the newborn child becomes the beneficiary of his own trust.  Absent the fraud involved, legal title to everything the child will ever own is vested in the government. The government then places the Trust into the hands of the parents, who are made the "guardians." The child may reside in the hands of the guardians until such time as the state claims that the parents are no longer capable to serve. The state then goes into the home and removes the "trust" from the guardians. At the age of majority, the parents lose their guardianship.
All Christian births used to be recorded in the family Bible only.  The reason for instituting the Birth Certificate is so the state can claim title to your person.  It is a common law principle that says what one creates one may control.  Via your state issued Birth Certificate in the name of your all-caps person you are considered to be a slave or indentured servant to the various Federal, State and local governments.  This legal maneuver is compounded further when one obtains a driver's license, marriage license or a Social Security Number. You have no Rights in state-approved birth, marriage, or even death. The state claims the sovereign right to all legal fiction titles it creates.
And it doesn't end there.
The creditors of the United States were getting nervous by the mid-1960's.  President Nixon had to collateralize more debt.  He settled upon a plan to quietly set aside huge tracts of American land with their mineral rights in reserve to cover the outstanding debts. But the American people were already angered over the Vietnam "war".  Nixon couldn't very well admit that he was parceling out huge chunks of the United States to holders of U.S. debt. So, he invented the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970 and passed draconian environmental laws which served to grab land with vast natural resources away from the owners and lock it away, proving to the holders of the debt that Americans are not drilling, mining, or otherwise developing those resources. As the government sinks deeper into debt, it grabs more and more land, declares it to be a "wilderness," "heritage river," or "wetlands" area.  There are various other designations, but the end result is the same: The People may not use the land.  In many cases they are forbidden to set foot on it.

It is not about conservation, it is about establishing collateral. YOUR land is being stolen by the government and used to secure loans the government really had no business taking out in the first place. Given that the government cannot get out of debt, and is collateralizing more and more land to avoid foreclosure, the day is not far off when the people of the United States will be told that they are no longer private citizens with private property rights but mere tenants living on another's property.  This day will arrive swiftly if Americans give up their firearms 
1  See Executive Order 13037 for a reference made to this doctrine.  [back]
Posted by Dan at 12:01 PM  The Birth Certificate Icon18_email

Thanks to: http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/

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