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An excerpt from this article.......think our government isn't corrupt.....THINK AGAIN.... BREAKING: Kurt Haskell Exposes Government False Flag Operation During Underwear Bomber Sentencing

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An excerpt from this article.......think our government isn't corrupt.....THINK AGAIN....

BREAKING: Kurt Haskell Exposes Government False Flag Operation During Underwear Bomber Sentencing

"In closing I will just say that regardless of how the media and government try to shape the public perception of this case, I am convinced that Umar was given an intentionally defective bomb by a U.S. Government agent and placed on our flight without showing a passport or going through security, to stage a false terrorist attack to be used to implement various government policies.

The effect this matter has had on my life has been astounding and due to this case, I will never trust the government in any matter, ever."




I know that this is going to be an unpopular opinion, But, upon reading this entire article, I have to say that I am glad that the Gov't set Umar up with a FAKE bomb. The set him up s the key here. They now had just cause to arrest him, and put him away forever. They couldn't do it before... You can't arrest someone for supposed intent. The gov't didn't give him a real bomb. No one one the flight was in true danger.

They weren't concerned about other securities because they knew exactly what was going on. They staged a full blown entrapment coup .... And I for one am glad. Because God forbid if he was still out, he could be on my next plane or one of my loved ones with a REAL BOMB.

I commend the gov't for taking control. If they didn't and another 911 happened, they would be crucified for NOT doing anything.

I am Glad that big brother is watching the ones that need watched.

I know that our Gov't has it's issues...I don't have rose colored glasses.....but I thank God that I live here.


Great, pretty soon we will have absolutely NO rights and living in a complete police state. What a miserable bleak existence we have ahead of us. Prepare to have no choice, but to drink the poison water, eat the poison food, and breath the poison air. Any attempt to free yourself from that will be considered terrorism and you will be dealt with. At least I have heaven to look forward to. God have mercy on all of us.


Ponee wrote:I know that this is going to be an unpopular opinion, But, upon reading this entire article, I have to say that I am glad that the Gov't set Umar up with a FAKE bomb. The set him up s the key here. They now had just cause to arrest him, and put him away forever. They couldn't do it before... You can't arrest someone for supposed intent. The gov't didn't give him a real bomb. No one one the flight was in true danger.

They weren't concerned about other securities because they knew exactly what was going on. They staged a full blown entrapment coup .... And I for one am glad. Because God forbid if he was still out, he could be on my next plane or one of my loved ones with a REAL BOMB.

I commend the gov't for taking control. If they didn't and another 911 happened, they would be crucified for NOT doing anything.

I am Glad that big brother is watching the ones that need watched.

I know that our Gov't has it's issues...I don't have rose colored glasses.....but I thank God that I live here.

I think you are missing the whole point of what is going on.....our government is using these tactics to get Americans to buy into the need for wars.....this is fear mongering and LYING at it's best....just like 9/11...these people are EVIL and need to be driven from the face of the earth so the rest of the population can live in PEACE!! Please re-read the witnesses testimony!

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